Sagamore Hills Civic Association Board works with the help of committees chaired by Board members. Every committee welcomes your input and suggestions. Use the e-mail address of the chairperson (found on the Board Members page) or write to as a point of contact.
Finance Committee: Annual audit and investment oversight.
Sandra Reeder, chair; Allen Venet, and Lori Teague
Nominations: Responsible for identifying and recommending candidates for the Board both for election at the annual meeting and to fill vacated spaces during the year. Further, responsible for presenting to the newly elected Board a slate of officers recommended for the coming year.
Sandra Reeder, Bonnie Walker and Keith Petroni
Beautification: Responsible for providing for the planting and maintenance of the column entrances to the neighborhood as well as the Black Fox entrance island. Oversee and approve funds expended from the special Beautification Fund donations. Oversee the maintenance firm as well as consider projects that will enhance the beauty of Sagamore Hills.
Carolyn Gilbert, chair; Margaret Cone, Trisha Moorman, Keith Petroni and Simone Rosa
Security: Responsible for hiring and supervising off-duty police and support neighbors dealing with security concerns. Following all police reports that arise from our neighborhood to maintain a safe place to live.
Eddy Rhinehart, Jim Hutchinson, and Emma Peng
By-Laws, Policies and Procedures: Responsible for identifying needed additions or deletions in the current By-Laws and presenting to the annual meeting needed changes for approval.
Sandra Reeder, chair; John McCauley and Allen Venet
Land Use: Responsible to maintain on-going communications with GDOT and DeKalb County roads and zoning as projects affecting Sagamore Hills come before these groups. Attending open meetings of these entities to represent neighbors’ concerns and point of view. Advising residents of proposed changes and addressing traffic concerns within the neighborhood.
Eddy Rhinehart, chair; Simone Rosa, Jay Leslie, Kingsley Dunwoody, John McCauley, and Allen Venet
Membership Communications: Responsible for all avenues of communication with the neighborhood. This includes keeping an up-to-date database of both residents and members, regularly updating the website, providing copy to the publisher of both the Signal and the Directory and welcoming new residents to the neighborhood.
Kingsley Dunwoody, chair; Margaret Cone, Helen Fredrick, Carolyn Gilbert, John McCauley, Trisha Moorman (New Neighbors), Emma Peng (website), and Sandra Reeder (database)
Signal: Create, implement, and distribute newsletter.
Lori Teague, chair; Emma Peng and Bonnie Walker